Year: 2024

meerkat story

Once there was a meerkat family that was looking for food. The dad had to look after them so he went to look for some food around the place. He went into a cave and a deep hole in the ground and found some…dirt . He was so disappointed he looked up and could still not find any food so he just gave up and walked away. To his family. He was so sad and hungry and so was the family till he saw a cave with a huge chicken but it was strong and scary. He did not want to fight him but when he looked to the side he saw eggs that were the size of the mother. He knew that it would feed all his family so he tried but then remembered the chicken. It was the guardian of the eggs because it was its baby. He knew he had to think of a plan to get the eggs. He thought of going on top of the cave but the chicken smashed the top with his head. That’s how strong it was. The dad meerkat knew it was going to be impossible to get the eggs. He thought hard till he had an idea he thought of going to the back and climbing in the cave and grabbing one egg then running away quietly. But then he realised that the egg was way too heavy for him so he thought of bringing his family but then he saw his baby he could cry and they would not be alive so the dad meerkat and the mum meerkat went to the cave just them too and the baby inside. While they were trying to get the egg the big chicken fell asleep. He had a smile on his face and said ‘we can get the egg it is sleeping. So the mum and dad went to the cave and got the egg to eat. The baby meerkat went outside and the rest followed it. The baby looked at the big chicken. The little middle, the other middle and the oldest saw the chicken’s size. It was so big there jaws dropped. They were so scared and shocked by the size of the chicken. When the meerkats kid were going inside the baby cried. The babys cry made the big chicken wake up. He got mad because he looked back and saw the dad and mum trying to take the big chicken’s egg. The dad,mum, baby, middle child  and other middle child. Then the oldest saw the chicken running chasing them down. They ran around the place and the chicken was still chasing them. They were all so scared running up and down. They ran under a rock thinking they were safe but then the big chicken broke the rock and shouted’ chikaaaaaaa. they  where