Narrative Cheese tax

Once there was a small mouse. He was an agent spy. It had an advantage because it was small. It went on multiple missions but one most hard fierce trap was called mouse trap made to catch mice like him. His favourite cheese was on the trap and he couldn’t resist his favourite cheese. He made a hole through the wall so he would not step on the traps. It was in a dark room which had lots of traps waiting for him. After going through the wall he got his rope and threw it on the hanging lights. He swang over all the traps but one had it on so he swag near the cheese and lowered him down to grab the juicy favourite cheese. He went down and down to grab the yummy cheese just for him. His shadow would shine to the light that alerted the people that were trying to get in. The humans ran with a net to catch him but little did they know he had a trick up his sleeve he acted like he was caught by there trap to see if the human would grab all the traps but the mouse would push him in the traps and bang they would be hurt and he would have the cheese with no harm. He laid down like he was dead and then the human excitedly shouted haray!!! And when the human went to grab all the traps the mouse pushed him directly in the traps. He got stung everywhere. Red marks bruises on him so now the mouse can eat cheese all peacefully and nicely and make sure you pay the cheese tax to the mouse or that could be you. 


Keep paying your cheese taxes to your pet mouse  🙏🥹

Great reading 👍     Keep it up

The endthank you for reading 🙂    

Make a great story 🥲

Mouse story. 😀

My amazing story.  (by samson)  

2 thoughts on “Narrative Cheese tax

  1. zdravstvuyte samson I like your mouse recount it was go to read and I will keep paying my chase taxes. Was this hard to do

  2. Malo lelei Samson, I really really enjoy the mouse recount and I really like the start and ending too. Also I will keep paying my chase taxes to Samson! Also you need to add big words like THEN THEY GOT THE MOUSE AND REALLY GOT HAPPY!!!!! But you did a great job Samson! Keep the work up! Was it fun or not fun?
    Was it very easy to write or not easy?

    From Teuila!

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