
this is a book about the bear collation. it was with a boy who lost a special teddy to the grandpa. it was hand made from 1992.

when he fond no clue of the teddy bear he gave up and then the grandpa actually had it and he was so happy for him.

5 thoughts on “Vlog

  1. Kia Ora Samson How have you been and I really liked your video and it was pretty good and pretty nice and I hope you have a great day and I hope do well bye.

  2. hi samson i like your video but you got a mistak when you are done doing the video then you have to do the cloud and say like you have to Describe the character and you have to say like why is it good to read this book you are saying stuff in them.

  3. Zdravstvuyte samson.I liked your story I liked how it was all about a bear collation it was fun to read. Was it difficult read the book

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